[Extracted from Senate Notice Paper, 22 June 2004]

*915 Leader of the Australian Democrats (Senator Bartlett): To move - That the Senate-

(a) notes the Government’s decision to implement a judicial review of the lease arrangements of Centenary House, as called for by an order of the Senate of 4 March 2004; and

(b) calls on the Government to act on other, more long-standing Senate resolutions calling for inquiries, namely:

(i) the order of the Senate of 15 May 2003 urging the establishment of a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse in Australia, and

(ii) the order of the Senate of 16 October 2003 calling for the establishment of a judicial inquiry into all aspects of the People Smuggling Disruption Program operated by the Commonwealth Government and agencies and, in particular, issues surrounding the sinking of the boat known as the SIEV X, with the loss of 353 lives.

X-URL: http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/work/notice/snpf_151.pdf

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